My business princpile
My business princpile
This blog is my company's blog and I think it is my personal blog, too. Because as the owner of the private company, my principle is the company's principle, too.
1. Quality first
I only produce good quality products. Even though I purchase accessories such as bolts, washers, and nuts I only purchase good quality. I want to see my customers' smiling faces when receiving the products.
2. Win-Win
I earn my money and my partners and customers earn their money. I never want to occupy my partners' and customers' money. Their competitors and end-user have no chance to buy from me directly. I do not like other companies who always want to sell the same products to the customers and their competitors. In the short term, the sale will grow but in the long term the sale will reduce and the price will fall. Because the customers and their competitors are selling the same product then they must face competition. Reducing prices to get customers is an inevitable means. I am not stupid and I must protect my partner's and customers' market share and profit.3. Be Honest
I am in business for 27 years and I never cheat my partners and customers. My friends always say my wife and I have western characters. Oriental people always do not want to explain their views directly. But my family is not. Can do you say yes, can't do you say no. You can't do it but if you say yes will have a big problem. Lose the trust of your partners and customers you will be nothing!
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